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The Botulinic toxin type A is a neurotoxin that is applied in small doses in some areas of the face, with the purpose to disappear the expression wrinkles through a transitory paralysis. It is indicated for people that want to dissemble those signs that leave the time, in people who do not want to be submitted to surgical procedures.
Who is a good candidate to use botox? People that have expression lines in the front, the brow and the "chicken legs" marked. The Botulinic toxin type A also can be used to diminish those wrinkles in the neck and the chin.
What does the consultation consist of? In the first consultation, Doctor Andrés Mejía evaluates the thickness, texture and elasticity of the skin; the severity of wrinkles and creases, to determine where the Botulinic toxin type A will be applied. All doubts are clarified; issues to be improved are defined, same as the procedure and care that must be taken after the application.
How is the procedure carried out? If Doctor Mejia considers so pertinent and in his office, same day of the consultation the application of butolinic toxin is completed. He proceeds to inject the toxin with a very fine needle in the zones established. According to the case the patient should wrinkle the brow, the front or the eyes to identify the mass of the muscle that is going to be treated.